Solar Calculator Canada
Solar Power Plant

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What does solar power output depend on?

Our solar power calculator takes into account many variables. One of the main factors is your location. In general, the closer to the Equator you are, the more solar hours you get. We have calculated the output for many locations in Canada.

What is the best angle for solar panels?

The best angle or so called inclination/slope of the solar panels depends on the Latitude your location. The closer you are to the Equator, the lower is the angle. For each location, we have the optimal angle for the setups that can choose it. If you are going to mount the solar panels on your roof, we generated a few reports with different angles. For many locations, the azimuth orientation is also important. Learn more in our dedicaten solar panel angle article.

Does it matter if solar panels are vertical or horizontal?

Absolutely! The more you deviate from the optimal angle, the more you lower your solar power output. Why? With every degree deviation, the area which gathers the Sun's power goes down and so does the output.

As in every conversion, going from solar panel's DC output to your regular household requirements brings losses. High temperatures also lower the efficiency of solar panels. We have that in mind, when generating solar production reports as well.

The things we cannot take into account are your surroundings and geographical features. Big trees or buildings blocking the sun? Your location is on a Northern facing hill? These are just a few things which are best accounted for with a personal visit and measurements.

How to get the solar power generation numbers for my location?

We did our best to make it easy to get to the numbers. Search for your location in our database and check out the solar power generation reports. Keep in mind, that the possible calculated result does not change that much when moving around so even if you can't find your exact location, search for one nearby.

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GPS Coordinates: 45.508822, -73.554077

Elevation: 34 m

Optimal solar panel angle: 39o

Average yearly power output: 1318 kWh/kWp

Solar calculator Montreal

Quebec City

GPS Coordinates: 46.813819, -71.207997

Elevation: 59 m

Optimal solar panel angle: 40o

Average yearly power output: 1260,78 kWh/kWp

Solar calculator Quebec City


GPS Coordinates: 49.884444, -97.146389

Elevation: 237 m

Optimal solar panel angle: 42o

Average yearly power output: 1338,86 kWh/kWp

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